Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Song of the Day - Day 71

Today's song is...

When It Rains It Snows

I frequently find myself with this song stuck in my head. Something about it is very earworm prone. Of course it might have something to do with the fact the the Legos characters created for the depiction of this song that was featured in the very first TAPOM perpetually sit right in front of the TV in my boyfriend's apartment so I end up looking at them all the time.

I admit that this is one of the songs whose lyrics I just don't think too hard about. They flow together in a nice sing-songy sort of way which is good enough for me.


  1. I adore this song. And I think I decided that when I found this performance on YouTube sometime last summer:


  2. JBTV -- yes! This song is decent though not among my favorites, but I love the JBTV TMBG videos. When John and I need a good laugh, we pull up the one in which John and John bicker about how to start Particle Man. Linnell times the start by counting and Flansburgh can't accept it. They attempt two counted starts that provoke great exasperated reactions from Flansburgh before Linnell acquiesces and just taps his foot as Flans wants (with exaggerated pointing and a wide-eyed expression that seem a bit passive-aggressive). "Don't count" has become a little private expression of exasperation between me and John (my John, that is).

  3. Haha, I love Rebecca's story, even though I have no idea what JBTV is. I'm going to have to look that one up.

    I like this song a lot, moreso than I did the first time I heard it. The first time I heard OF it was actually because of the original TAPOM you mention. Good to know those little yellow guys are still keeping in touch. :]
    And it is quite the earworm.
    Also, any time I hear someone say, "when it rains, it pours", I immediately think to myself, "no, when it rains, it snows" and every once in a while even say it out loud to the person. :}
