Saturday, December 18, 2010

Song of the Day - Day 33

Today's song is...

Token Back to Brooklyn

I wish I could say that my favorite memory of this song was of the band opening with it at the Factory Showroom show they did at Mohegan Sun a couple of years ago, but at the time I was too new a fan and completely unfamiliar with the song so the significance of the event passed right over my head. At least I can say I was there.

I like the drums. Drums good.


  1. I'm old enough that the album is my natural unit of listening, so this song mainly signifies to me that "Older" is coming up next. It's also annoyingly short for a song with such a good grove, and the lyrics aren't up to par.

  2. [ummm, make that "groove". not a good grove, but a good groove. :-[ ]

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I had deliberately avoided info on the Sun show, so was not aware that They were performing Factory Showroom and when They started Token, my jaw hit the floor.
