Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Song of the Day - Day 23

This was going to be today's song until yesterday's song became today's song. So I was going to make this tomorrow's song until I realized that it wont be topical anymore tomorrow. So you get a bonus song today, to make up for the missing one.

In honor of the last day of Chanukah, today's (bonus) song is...

Feast Of Lights

This is pretty damn, dark for a holiday song, but then what do I expect from TMBG. And it joins a great tradition of depressing holiday songs with the unique aspect of being about Chanukah rather than Christmas. Plus, it has always made me idly curious if any of the members of the band are Jewish.


  1. Yay -- bonus song today! I really, really like the Feast of Lights melody. I don't really think of this song as dark, though it's sad to be sure. In my mind it kind of goes with "Did I Make You Cry on Christmas? (Well You Deserved It)" by Sufjan Stevens. And I really like that melody too. Maybe I just like sad holiday songs?

  2. Happy Chrimbus! Feel free to embed my FoL video in this entry.

  3. Sad song with a lovely melody, as has already been stated. I like Linnell's choice of Chanukah gift. :)
    And the lyrics "You never write, you never call. And now you wander in the hall. You look familiar. I barely know your face at all" sort of describe a sentiment I'm pretty familiar with.
