Tuesday, November 30, 2010

They Might Be Giants? Never Heard Of Them

It happens all the time. I'll be talking to some one and mention something about this band I follow. "Oh, what band?" they say. I answer, "They Might Be Giants." And nine times out of ten the person has never heard of them. Then I am faced with my inevitable dilemma. What TMBG song do I mention that this person might have heard but doesn't know is TMBG?

This is part one of Audience Participation. What do you use as your reference song for people who haven't heard of the band? Do you always use the same one? Do you tailor it to the person?

For my part, I usually start with Boss of Me. I figure even if somebody has never consciously heard TMBG, there is a pretty good chance they watched Malcolm in the Middle. Actually, and this had honestly never occurred to me until just now, I guess Boss of Me was almost (excepting Istanbul) the first TMBG song I heard, as I was certainly watching Malcolm in the Middle in college, several years before I met my boyfriend and began being introduced to the band.

If that doesn't ring any bells, I usually try Istanbul next. I guess I steer towards the songs I "knew" before I knew the band figuring if I knew them, then other people must too. If that still doesn't work, I'll typically try the Dunkin Donuts ads, or if I know the person has kids in the family, even Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Occasionally, I'll throw Birdhouse in their too, but I guess I generally figure if they don't know Istanbul, they wont know Birdhouse either. And if I haven't gotten them by that point, I tend to give up and accept that they have just not heard the band.

Now, part two of this Audience Participation. A friend expresses interest in hearing some of the band's music. They are either only familiar with one or two songs or have never heard them at all. What album (or collection) do you play them first?

I am often tempted to play a collection first, either homemade or the User's Guide or Dial A Song. But that, at least in my mind, always seems to reduce the band to their greatest hits which, especially in the case of TMBG, are not terribly representative of their entire body of work. There is just too much variety in the catalog. So instead, I always go with Flood. That may seem like the "easy" choice, but I have legitimate reasons for choosing it. First, if the listener has heard anything by the band before, it was probably Istanbul or Birdhouse and their presence on the album can help develop a pre-existing comfort level with the album. Second, it is TMBG's most popular album for a reason. It is really, really good. Over one million album purchasers agree. Third, it is a great showing of the range of They Might Be Giants songs. There is a little bit of everything on that album. Some great songs. Some weird songs. Fast songs. Slow songs. Songs with whips. There is really something for everybody. And lastly, whether the person likes the album is a great gage for whether they should delve further into the band. Because, while it is entirely possible to enjoy Flood, and then not enjoy much of the rest of the band's music, it is pretty unlikely that someone who dislikes Flood is suddenly going to like an entire different album. A song maybe, but probably not the whole album.

Agree? Disagree? What's your approach? And have you successfully developed any TMBG converts? I have one: my friend Marie. Though I suspect she enjoys the kids music better than the grown-up stuff which is handy since she is about to have a baby and I shall be converting him into a tiny TMBG rock fan at the first available opportunity.

P.S. Doesn't it feel good when you tell someone that your favorite band is They Might Be Giants and the person has actually heard of them? It happens so rarely for me, but is so very appreciated.


  1. Well the song I mention depends on who I'm talking to. Usually, if the person is familiar with Homestar Runner, I mention that the band has worked with them. Otherwise, I don't try to jog their memory. Unless they ask. Then I mention Boss of Me, and maybe some other TV stuff they've done. Personally, I hate mentioning songs.

    As for an album, I've given friends who expressed interest A User's Guide. Wimpy, I know. But it has a decent (not great, but decent) range to it. And then I'll ease them into albums, beginning with whichever era they expressed an interest in after listening to A User's Guide.

    Semi-successful TMBG converts? One of my friends from high school, though he hasn't been to a show. I think a friend of my brother's and I, who came to the last show with us, is a convert because of my brother, myself, and our other friend who is a long-time fan.

    I only met two people in high school who were also fans. I also had a teacher in middle school who I went back to visit while in high school who was a fan. She'd been a fan since they were a duo and doing tape shows, and had seen them multiple times... I think Lincoln-era. And I was jealous. And apparently my writing professor this semester's a fan. Long and interesting story to how I found that out. I'll save it.

  2. Both good questions! It depends on the person. If it's a person my age, I usually mention Particle Man, Boss of Me, or the Daily Show theme song. (That one's not noticeably them, but I mention it to point out that nearly everybody has heard something by TMBG, because nearly everybody has seen at least one episode of the Daily Show.) If they're older I usually go with Birdhouse or Ana Ng.

    If somebody asks me for a song, I almost always play Birdhouse. Catchy and clever. Sometimes I'll play Withered Hope if I think they'll be impressed by the piano riff, though. For an entire album I think Flood is definitely a good choice for the reasons you listed.

    I love it when somebody sees the TMBG sticker on my laptop and says "oh hey, They Might Be Giants. I know those guys." It's almost always a professor, never a student.

  3. Interesting... I don't think I've ever tried to create a TMBG convert! Most people I know from high school and college are familiar with the band (at least their earlier stuff) and lots of the moms I hang with these days are at least familiar with the kids' albums, though some may have become familiar only through me. I can't really remember! I can probably take credit for converting at least one family. After we gave one of their kids a kids' album/DVD as a birthday present, they began requesting more "Mighty Giants" (as their youngest has dubbed the band).

    As for songs people may know, I think you mentioned the main ones. Some people may also know Other Father Song from Coraline, if they were a fan of the book and/or movie. And parents will likely know Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and/or Higglytown Heroes. My sister-in-law (who knows I'm a big TMBG fan) was recently surprised to learn that her 8-month-old daughter's favorite song -- Hot Dog! -- was by them. Duh. That kid is so getting Here Come the 123's for Christmas.

  4. I pretty much agree with what you said, and I definitely tailor the songs I mention to the person's age and interests. Most people I've spoken to have never heard of them. A few people I know know some of their more well-known stuff. I've introduced my sister and brother-in-law to quite a bit of their music, and they really like some of it, but I don't think they'd really be considered "converts". :]
    Also, "Mighty Giants" is an awesome term, Rebecca!
