Thursday, April 7, 2011

Song Of The Day - Day 143

Today's song is...

The Vowel Family

The reason I am not as fond of the ABCs as I am of the other kids albums is that there are a much larger majority of the songs that are hard to appreciate as an adult. The songs play more like kids lesson songs. I'm not talking about all the songs (believe me, there are a couple on there that I adore), but this is a good example. Serves it's purpose for the kiddos, but if you want to teach me about vowels at 30, I need something a little catchier. But I like the puppets.


  1. Really? I can totally appreciate this one. It's not a favorite or anything, but I think it's hysterical. And the vowel puppets are great, especially the way they separate completely in the middle. "Ask someone older to show you. There's a vowel in each word."

  2. I'm kind of in the middle (in the middle, in the middle) as compared to you and Rebecca on this one. Actually, for a long time I was pretty indifferent to it and often skipped over it, but for some reason as I've watched it so much the past few months with my two-year-old niece, I've noticed it a lot more. It's still not a favorite, but whereas I once found it not catchy or especially engaging, it now gets stuck in my head and I find the little melody quite fun. Especially the part Rebecca mentioned. The puppets aren't my favorite and for some reason it makes me frustrated when their "mouths" come together crookedly (OCD, much?) but at the same time I DO find the fact that they separate completely really amusing and cute. :)
