Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Song Of The Day - Day 141

Today's song is...


This is one of the two songs on 123s that I loved instantly, immediately and wholeheartedly as the album was picking me up and throwing me full force into the fandom. It is impossible to be uncheered by a song about anthropomorphic sevens taking over a house. I think one of the things that makes it really work (and really funny) is the complete dead pan with which Linnell delivers the lyrics as if he is not surprised at all to find a seven standing at his door and totally resigned to all of the numeric house guests. 

But what really makes this song shine is it's live performance. This is, without a doubt, in my top five favorite songs to see live. Take Linnell's deadpan and wacky arm movements, add in Flansburgh's overly earnest "I would like some cake" and Dan's priceless faces and intonation on "It's the green house at the end of the block" and "oh, that's just Seven" and you have all the ingredients for a performance guaranteed to delight adults and children alike. Plus, who doesn't love yelling "We want cake. Where's our cake?" especially if the whole audience gets in on the game. I was there for performance number two of this one (later in the same day as number one which was at a family show at the same venue which I didn't attend) and am ridiculously pleased that this has become an adult show fixture as well as a family show one. I hope a live performance of this makes it onto the new live album. That would rock!  

Oh, P.S. I forgot about the horns! Euphonium! Oh my goodness, just so much to love about this song. It also just occurred to me that this has to be one of a very few number of songs that neither John plays on at all when they perform it. I don't really have a point with that statement. Just thought it was interesting.


  1. I'm quite fond of the television appearance where there are bass saxophones being played.

    Seven is such an endearing song. Also, "We want cake! Where's our cake?!" is a wonderful line.

    Also, Dan's "green house" thing always gets me.

  2. "Hey - who's - that - o - ther - guy". Fantastic stuff.

  3. Hooray! I think this is the only song I've actively hoped for at every show I've been to. I love this song. Here is a list of things about this song that I love, many of which you've already mentioned:

    1. Linnell's deadpan delivery, like anthropomorphic sevens invade his house daily.

    2. Dan's delivery on "oh that's just seven" and "it's the green house at the end of the block," and then reenacting those parts myself for the rest of the night at random intervals.

    3. The way Flansburgh kind of acts out the whole thing, especially right before Linnell says "now who would like some cake?" and Flans plays with his hair and looks off into the distance and then realizes Linnell is asking and says "I would like some cake" kind of hesitantly, IT'S ADORABLE.

    4. Screaming for cake.

    5. Everything else about this song.
