Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Song of the Day - Day 85

Today's song is...


Oh, Gloria. Don't you wonder what ever happened to her? I do.

I love Linnell's story about thinking he heard her in a bookstore. Can you imagine that encounter? "Ah, hey, any chance you called a number in the Village Voice about fifteen years ago and left a really bizarre message about my band? No?"


  1. So weird -- I was listening to Then this morning on my drive to work and this came on, and I thought "I wonder if Gloria's still kicking around?"

  2. Untitled. Oh my God.

    I have a feeling Gloria died/will die without knowing who There Must Be Giants are.

  3. Hahahaha. This makes me laugh every time. I love this lady. I hope Erin's prediction isn't true, but it's entirely possible. Poor Gloria.
