On the other hand, the guys are so consistent in their fashion choices, I suppose they might as well be costumes of a sort. One of my friends had the idea to make a list of "You Know You've Been To Just Enough TMBG Shows When..." things (because there is no such thing as too many) and having one of them be "you can name three items of clothing worn by each band member on a regular basis." Personally, I find this aspect of going to shows very comforting. This probably sounds creepy though I don't mean it to be, but I enjoy having that moment at the start of a show when I think, "Oh good, Linnell is wearing the red and navy baseball shirt again. I like that one." I think most fans can identify with the pleasure of seeing them in the same piece of clothing they wore at their first show or their favorite show or their last show or whatever, even if it's just while looking at pictures.

Flans can usually be counted to to wear either a polo or a button-up of some sort, frequently in plaid. And then there are those cardigans, which is just about the least glamourous thing one could wear at a rock concert and yet they suit him to a tea. And I think I can count on one hand the number of shows in the last two years at which Flans has not worn those green sneakers with the orange stripes.

Linnell goes even more basic, nine times out of ten, sporting a plain or striped T-shirt. We make jokes about him having an entire closet full of that red and black striped one. I remember being amused at one he was wearing at a show last spring which he had obviously worn so often while playing that the bottom of the accordion strap had rubbed a hole in it.

And then there is the whole array of wonderful T-shirts I've seen them all sport. From Linnell's caffeine molecule one, to the one Curt had on at The Stone Pony with the question mark with the world as the dot. I love fun T-shirts. In fact, one of my biggest resentments is that I can't wear gloriously geeky tees to work every day. A few of the others that I enjoy are Danny's Sapphire Bullets shirt (am I correct in thinking that one is fan-made? Does anyone know?) and his OK Go one (because I love OK Go and it's the one with the OK Go logo that reminds me of the TMBG logo I have branded myself with). Also Marty's red tee with the floating water tanks on it. If anyone can explain that one to me, please do, because I've been trying to determine the significance for ages.

Also, though I haven't seen it in quite a while, if we are discussing endearing clothing choices, special mention needs to be made of Dan's grey knit hat. It's adorable. (Psst, you know the Lego versions of the band I mentioned in my Fan Confessions? Lego Dan is wearing that hat.)

Thus concludes my mini-ode to the band's wardrobe. That could have been so much more fangirlish than it was.
P.S. Before you cry foul, a whole separate entry shall be devoted to the red pants.