Thursday, December 15, 2011

Song of the Day - Day 395

Today's song is...

Los Angeles

My very favorite venue song. Of all of them, this is the one that sounds the most complete and like it could stand on its own and make sense outside of the venue songs project. I love the fake British accent Linnell uses and I am a big fan of the guitar riff. And the video is pretty cute too. This is also probably the venue song I have seen live second most often, though never in it's original venue which is sad. Maybe someday.


  1. This is one of the few songs that make me jump up and down in a totally undignified manner when the band starts up. I love it.

  2. I don't think I knew this was your favorite venue song! It's not my favorite, but I enjoy it a lot. The lyrics are fun and clever and the English accent is pretty darn funny. I'm pretty sure this is the venue song I've heard live second most often too -- after Asbury Park. But I haven't really heard all that many venue songs, so that's really not saying much.
