Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Song of the Day - Day 394

Today's song is...

The Second Longest Night

I think, technically, this song doesn't qualify for SOTD based on my own criteria but it's my blog and I can allow any song I want. And this one is just fun so it got a pass. The lyrics seem well made for a song to be sung by John Linnell even though they were not actually intended for anyone in particular. And there is something about the way the primary and backing vocals on the chorus go together that appeals to me.

1 comment:

  1. I read Jonathan Lethem's "Men and Cartoons" last year, upon realizing that John Linnell reads one of the stories for the audiobook and after hearing a lot about Lethem. I do enjoy the Lethem/Linnell collaboration immensely, including this song.
