Friday, November 25, 2011

Song of the Day - Day 375

Today's song is...

Mr. Xcitment 

Ok, NOT one of my favorite songs. I am not a rap music fan or a remix fan and this feels like a weird combination of both even though it isn't a remix of anything. But is do really enjoy the line about Flansy and the soda can because it's just weird and random and makes me laugh. And it's just one more example of the incredibly wide variety of songs this band produces.

1 comment:

  1. Mink Car is an album that took a while for me to warm up to, more or less because of songs like this. After a while I kind of liked this song though. And I do like the "Flansy in a soda can;" I feel like it fits him. It's like energy is bottled up in a can of soda and if you shake it, it will explode in carbonated frenzy. I think that fits Flansburgh well.
