Saturday, September 11, 2010

#1 - My Friends

I have met some of the most amazing people through this band. People I never would have seen or spoken to if it wasn't for They Might Be Giants. That is my very, very favorite part about being a fan, all the interesting, amazing people I get to meet. Some of you I may not have meet in person but I hope to someday. Some of you I've meet at shows and had a fabulous time. And a few of you have joined me on my crazy adventures following this band around the country and made things about 10 million times more fun.

The band has also given my boyfriend and I something else to bond over and we've have had a blast following the band around to cities I never would have visited if I wasn't there for a show. Getting me into this band is one of the best things he could have done for me.

So to Gary, Stacy, Megan, Steve, Kathy, Kara, AJ, Eric, Mike, Jason, Ana, Maggie, Erin, Eric, Garrett, Gabe, Emily, Shannon, Alena, Jamie, Brittany, James, Katie, Valerie, everyone of the forum and anyone else I forgot, thank you all for being so kind and awesome. And most of all to John and John and Dan and Danny and Marty, for giving us all such an epic band to obsess over. Here's to many more years of Gigantic fandom.

And now I am running late leaving for the festival today. As usual. Some things never change.


  1. I second this! The band has brought SUCH good friends into my life it's ridiculous. It's awesome that you and I met at a show on Linnell's 50th birthday, (and technically Megan was there, too!) I think that's SO cool and all the shows we've been to since then have been a blast. Special thanks to TMBG for introducing us, because now I have a wonderful friend who lives near me as well as other great friends in various other states that I know I can talk to anytime. :)

  2. DAAAWWWWW. <33 Thank you so much. This made me smile. TMBG fans are great; the good fans definitely outweigh the bad.

    Hopefully we'll run into each other at a show one of these days. :D Till then, I'll be commenting on Twitter and on your blog here. Enjoy the show today!

  3. Thirded! I would not enjoy the shows nearly as much without you guys. I think, secretly, that this is my favorite thing about the band.
