Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Song Of The Day - Day 212

Today's song is...

Stalk of Wheat

I always think this song is on a much earlier album than it actually is. It sounds more like classic TMBG than the rest of the stuff on The Spine. It is a terribly silly song, and I kind of love that. Particularly the "moose denied" lyric. The lyrics just consistently make me giggle. And of course, now I've seen it performed by puppets so many times that the memory of that makes me giggle too. Not to mention the ABCs video, which is one of the most adorable things I have seen.

Also, Flex-A-Tone. That is all.


  1. Very funny, concise, well put together. One of their best humorous songs. And that would be all I'd say about it, except for this: (at 3'45") Because of that, this song will ALWAYS make me laugh.

  2. OMG, the ABC's Stalk of Wheat video. I love it. In fact, it was the ABC's DVD that got me re-hooked on the band. I'd enjoyed No! and Bed, Bed, Bed in a "wow, TMBG is doing kids' stuff -- neat!" sort of way, but actually _seeing_ John and John on that DVD opened some sort of floodgate for me. I don't think I'd actually seen them since the early 90's at that point, and seeing them in action again definitely added to the appeal. They were so much as I remembered them, but older and better. So that was my first introduction to Stalk of Wheat. Since then, all the puppet performances have added greatly to the appeal of this song. And that video John linked to makes me tear up with laughter every single time. Seriously.

  3. I'm pretty sure I heard this played live before they did it with the Avatars. I didn't "get" it then, and I don't really "get" it now. I just kind of cringe at the line "And I was out of ideas like I is, like I is [...]" though I shouldn't because, let's be honest, it was intentionally written with bad grammar. Though I do kind of appreciate the humor of it? I don't know.
