Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Song of the Day - Day 205

Today's song is...

Au Contraire

I got all excited at the '09 Mohegan show when Dan Miller played a riff from this during the sound check, but then they didn't play it at the show and I was bummed. Then we were talking out it before the Lupo's show the following year (in one of our series of "Dan Miller ruins everything" rants) and then they played it at that show. Whee! But present day audiences seem to have forgotten that they are responsible for providing the "Right on" bit at the end.

I am particularly fond of the Roosevelt verse. I also like the drums in this one. Right on. Right on. Right on.

Note: The "Dan Miller ruins everything" thing is an ongoing joke Megan and have, blaming poor Dan for why we can't have nice things. It is not a reflection of my actual feelings towards Dan, whom I adore, BTW.


  1. The Roosevelt verse is my favorite too! I really like the David Bowie part too. Good song. Good song. While it is true that DAN MILLER RUINS EVERYTHING, I am glad we got to hear this at Lupo's. That show was an insane medley of "oh my god, are they playing this? THEY'RE PLAYING THIS!" songs.

  2. For a very long time I preferred the Indestructible Object version, where the flute solo is in the song as opposed to the guitar bit. I enjoy that little remnants of the flute solo remain. I haven't heard this played live though, I don't think. I'd like to.

  3. Heard this one live only at the evening Fairfield show last fall. Was surprised to hear it... and strangely Dan Miller wasn't there! Hmmm.... And yeah -- kind of lame with the right ons. This isn't a favorite song of mine, but I like it fine. And it was fun enough live.
