Friday, July 16, 2010

Stage Announcements - 7/16/10

No new news to report today so we are going retro.

Here's a short one from 1995 in which Linnell makes a statement that has long since been proven false.

From 1998, this interview is a perfect example of why fan girls should not conduct interviews.

And in a more recent interview Flansburgh proves his total ignorance of World of Warcraft.


  1. Totally counting this as a shout-out:

    "Our fans are so great and I have to give, to the people that I refer to as the front row of our audience, a lot of respect for understanding that we're capable of doing more than one thing. And even appreciating it, a lot of the kids' stuff has been really warmly received by people that don't have kids and otherwise wouldn't be interested in kids' music."

  2. That would be the one where he says they could never play Spider live, since they play it all the time now.

  3. YEAH they do! Haha, as if I would know. But I do know that they played it at the one show I went to. Which was exciting, for me. They do say they've changed their views on some things (as I suppose everyone does) over time. On the commentary for "Direct From Brooklyn" they refer to a couple such things, at least.

  4. Haha, the fan girl interview was quite funny. I could almost hear some of his responses. :D
    And woohoo for encyclopedias! :D I wonder what John Linnell thinks of Wikipedia?
