Have you ever sat down to write a birthday card for someone really important to you, and found you didn't have the words to express what you wanted to say? I love all the TMBG boys like crazy, but I don't think it is much of a secret that Danny has always had a very special place in my heart. So much talent and such incredible kindness in one exceptional person. I am in awe of the man and so grateful for the dozens of small kindness, epic bass solos, and kick-ass songs he has shared with me and the rest of the fan community. I am privileged and proud to be a fan. And I would like to offer sincere and heartfelt wishes for a wonderful birthday and another exciting year ahead.
This past February, I drove down to Florida to follow the band on the last full week of their Join Us tour. It had been a difficult and tumultuous past few months for me, and perhaps more so than at any other show, stepping up to that stage felt like coming home. It warmed my heart, when the band took the stage, to have nearly every member acknowledge my presence with a grin, a nod or a little wave. They whipped into Doctor Worm, second song in and I stood, camera ready, eagerly awaiting that moment when Danny would leap into the air. He mounted the drum riser at the appropriate time, then, just before the big moment, he met my eye across the stage and gestured up with his eyebrows as if to say "I'm going that way. You ready for this?" And then he launched himself into the air. I missed the picture because I never time it right, but I stood there and thought, "Now THAT's a rock star move, right there." And right now, I can't wait to spend another year trying to get the photo.
Happy Birthday, Danny! You are a genuine rock star and I hope this year is your best one yet!

Thanks For Blog :)