1. Exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability.
2. A person who is exceptionally intelligent or creative, either generally or in some particular respect: "musical genius."
1. One, such as a painter, sculptor, or writer, who is able by virtue of imagination and talent or skill to create works of aesthetic value, especially in the fine arts.
2. A person whose works show exceptional creative ability or skill.
1. A writer of poems.
2. One who is especially gifted in the perception and expression of the beautiful or lyrical.
Consider, for a minute, these definitions. These are all words I would use to describe John Linnell, who celebrates his birthday today. And he embodies all of them with a quiet, unassuming humility. I am quite certain, if you presented him with these terms, you would receive a shy, "aww, shucks" kind of shrug. And yet, with a careful combination of words and notes, that on the surface seems almost careless, but in actuality are thoughtful brilliance, he breathes life into songs that are tiny little masterpieces. One minute he is busting your gut with a deadpanned tune about flaming heads, and the next he is reaching into the depths of your very soul, grabbing on and pulling out emotions and thoughts you didn't even know you had, much less thought to put into words. And put the man on a stage and he can win over an entire crowd in an instant, while simultaneously making each audience member feel like he is singing to them and only them, in turn.
I love words. I love the stories you can tell with them, the various emotions you can evoke by mixing them in different combinations. And I don't know anyone who has more skill at manipulating them and getting them to do his bidding than John Linnell. And that he is equally skilled with musical notes and creates melodies that can make you dance, or make you weep, puts him in a class above all others in my book. I am in complete and total awe of the man.
So it is with utmost respect and adoration that I would like to wish Mr. Linnell a happy birthday. May the world (and myself) he privilege to many more years of whatever feats of brilliance fall out of that beautiful mind of yours. Thank you for sharing your talents with us mortals.