By request from TDK, our topic this week is, to paraphrase Paul & Storm, probably not the band you came to see tonight but rather the poor schmucks tasked with entertaining us for 30-45 minutes while TMBG makes their coffee run before the show. That's right, it's the opening band. Good or bad, I actually have a lot of respect for these guys. It takes guts to go out and play for a group of people who, most likely, haven't heard of your band, have no interest in hearing your music, will probably talk all the way through your set and really just want you to finish and "get the hell off the stage."
I always try to remember when I'm watching an opener that, no matter how bad I think they are, somewhere out there is someone who loves this band just as much as I love TMBG. So I try to be respectful, eyes front, pay attention, clap at the end, etc because that is what I would want someone who was stuck at a TMBG concert that they didn't want to be at to do. I also feel more of an obligation to pay attention since I am usually in the front row or close to it and thus completely visible to the band on stage. It just feels extra rude to be carrying on a conversation or playing with your phone or whatever in full view of the band. That probably sounds preachy but I have seen some shockingly rude behavior at shows and it really bugs me.
Worst case scenario you are stuck listening to some bad music for a half hour. More likely you listen to some music to which you are simply indifferent. You may even moderately enjoy it. If you are very lucky you find a band you enjoy enough to take home their CDs and maybe someday even go see some other band open for them.
Now for the audience participation. Your task is to list your favorite bands you have seen open for They Might Be Giants. You can do Top 3 or Top 5 or Top 10 or just name your favorite, what ever floats your boat. We'll see how much overlap there is and maybe we can help each other discover some awesome new bands.
I'm going with Top 5 because despite seeing 50 TMBG shows, I've actually only seen 12 different opening acts. Partly because I've seen several of them at multiple shows and partly because I have been to quite a few shows with no opener.
I will give honorable mentions though, to both Lincoln and OK Go. Even though I wasn't yet going to shows when they were on the tours I discovered both afterwards. I bought a used copy of the Lincoln CD unheard because of the Dan connection and despite not liking it the first time around have gradually become addicted to it. The lead singer's voice took some time to grow on me but the lyrics are spot on. And OK Go I discovered through my boyfriend who did see them open for TMBG. We actually just saw them in concert last night which makes this blog topic particularly well timed. They make truly amazing videos and if you ever thought you saw a lot of confetti at a TMBG show you have never been to an OK Go concert.
Now on to my actual list...
5. Driver Quartet - This band narrowly beat out another more widely known TMBG opener mostly thanks to a clever song about an unhealthy obsession with Tina Fey. I already knew David Driver from the People Are Wrong recording and his guest appearance at the previous month's LPR show singing Mink Car. He was a most entertaining performer to watch with overly exaggerated mannerism and lively songs. He made me laugh, he had good musicians in his band and he has a great voice. That about covers it.

4. Joshua Fried's Radio Wonderland - Probably the most unique act I have seen. Joshua Fried uses a laptop, a steering wheel and some upside down shoe drums to remix live radio into dance beats worthy of any nightclub. I went in skeptical and came out impressed. He even turned a commercial into a dance mix. Awesome. And seriously fun to watch.

3. Oppenheimer - Sadly, these guys just broke up, but Rocky and Shaun remain my second favorite Irish duo. I can not listen to their song Major Television Events without dancing. Their music is poppy and dancy, heavily synthesized and auto-tuned and oh so good. Plus they have that drummer-who-sings-while-drumming- thing going for them which has always impressed me. I may not be able to see them live again but I can listen to their albums and remember the awesome.

2. Guggenheim Grotto - Totally by accident these guys have become the band I have seen 3rd most often. We saw them open for the Giants seven times on the fall tour, then saw them on their own just steps from my workplace last month. Another Irish duo, Mick and Kevin are a folk rock band with guitar and keyboard. They do a beautiful blend of lyrics and melody and at least as far as I can tell from their stage personas, are genuinely nice guys. They have officially made it onto my list of bands I will see anytime they come through my area and they will in fact be in Cambridge for the launch of their third album in June if anyone would like to check them out.

1. Jonathan Coulton - This kind of seems like cheating because I was already a JoCo fan before I saw him open for TMBG. The announcement that he would be joining them on the spring tour was like icing on an already tasty cake for me. I wont try to explain, you either know him or you don't. And if you don't you should.

Ok, that's my list. What's yours? I'm very curious to see if anyone else overlaps mine or if you totally disagree.
Hmmm. I'm only able to single out three because I haven't been to as many shows as you have, and also because the honest truth is I haven't cared for the majority of the band's opening acts.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear that Oppenheimer broke up! They are my #3. Very likable guys and very dance-able music. I vaguely remember a joke about Vitamin Water at one point too, at the LPR show.
My #2 is Joshua Fried's Radio Wonderland, for the same reasons that you liked him! SO different from anything I've ever seen before. I was thoroughly amazed for his entire set. And the whole thing with the steering wheel and sampling of radio ads was extremely impressive.
Holding very strong at #1 is the one and only Corn Mo. I've only gotten to see him perform twice, at one of the college shows in MA and at their New Year's Eve 2008 show in Philadelphia. His conversational song intros are awkward and hilarious, his voice sounds like Freddie Mercury, and he plays the keyboard AND accordion! Plus, odd lyrics! I talked to him once and he's also a really nice guy. Whenever I'm at a show and the opening act is lame, my first thought is ALWAYS, "Why couldn't they have just asked Corn Mo to play here? Then everyone would be happy."
I've only seen a few openers for them, actually: Audrey Ryan once, Peter Stampfel twice, JoCo three times, and Citizen Cope once. The other five shows (Towson, Brookline, Northampton, Pittsburgh, and Mohegan) didn't have openers. JoCo was by far my favorite, obviously.
ReplyDeleteI hated Peter Stampfel at first, but the second time I saw him was way less awkward, and then I sat through Citizen Cope for 45 minutes and realized that there are worse openers than an old man who does covers of Gloria Gaynor songs. Audrey Ryan wasn't bad at all, but it was my first show and I couldn't concentrate on her music because I was too excited at the prospect of being less than five feet away from Linnell.
OK, so Corn Mo would have been my number 6. The only reason that David Driver made it on to my list and Corn Mo didn't was because I actually remembered some of his songs and I remember nothing from the Corn Mo set except the vague sense that I enjoyed it. I only saw him once at that same WPI show and he was with his band and didn't play any accordion. I have a feeling he would rise on the list if I was ever to see him again.
ReplyDeleteAnd just to share information, the other bands I have seen open range from the good (Jed Parish, Audrey Ryan) to the weird and moderately awful (Spray Paint Star, Peter Stampfel) to the downright terrible (Mixel Pixel, Citizen Cope). But that being said, I have seen far worse openers at non-TMBG concerts. In fact, I'd need to count but I may have actually seen a greater total number of openers before other bands than I have before the Giants just because there have been fewer repeats. Hmmmmm....
My favorite is Oppenheimer. They were touring with TMBG when I first got into the band in 2007, so Oppenheimer is an integral part of my loving the TMBG experience. Plus, they were good (and funny). Joshua Fried's Radio Wonderland is a close second, followed by Les Chauds Lapins. If I had had the cash and motivation to travel south, JoCo would top the list. I already love his shows. Also, I thought Peter Stampfel was quite entertaining.
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking my request! Here's my belated list. I have included the number of times that I've seen them open for TMBG in parentheses, followed by a plus if I have gone out of my way to see the act outside a TMBG show. I have also included the date and city of my first encounter with the act, and some relevant media links at the end. I had to split this into two posts, as it exceeded the maximum length.
ReplyDelete10. okgo (1) - 11/02/00 in New York City
This was prior to okgo going viral with their treadmill video. I don't remember a whole lot about their performance, other then that I enjoyed it.
9. Common Rotation (4) - 12/29/01 in Plainview, NY
These guys are a little bit county and a little bit rock 'n roll. Check out their cover of "Don't Let's Start" and you'll see what I mean.
8. Muckafurgason (2) - 11/23/00 in New York City
This fun, now defunct band contained John Lee (supertaster) and Chris Anderson, who would later appear in the next listed act.
7. The Last Car (3) - 5/12/06 in Philadelphia, PA
Enchanting melodies with beautiful harmonies from this trio made up of Robin Goldwasser, Amy Miles and Chris Anderson.
6. Oppenheimer (4) - 8/8/07 in New York City
The best band that I've been introduced to in recent years, this rocking duo somewhat remind me of John & John in their early years, mostly because there were two of them and they also used a backing recording on some songs. Sadly, Rocky & Shaun recently parted ways as a band.
5. You Were Spiraling (13+) - 8/14/96 in Sea Bright, NJ
ReplyDeleteEventually shortening their name to omit the first two words, this seminal band fronted by keyboard virtuoso Tom Brislin holds the record for most openings, and never fail to entertain. I can't believe that it's been nearly five years since I've seen them in action! I love these guys, and I hope that they get back together for more shows soon.
4. Brian Dewan (3+) - 4/28/93 in Red Bank, NJ
This gentleman opened my very first TMBG show, seventeen years ago. Where did the time go?? In '98 I traveled to the Edison Museum to watch Brian record some wax cylinders about a year after TMBG's sessions (which I missed) and ended up recording backup vocals onto an actual wax cylinder in a rendition of TMBG's "The Edison Museum" led by Nick Hill himself and with Dewan accompaniment.
3. Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players (3+) - 10/19/02 in Philadelphia, PA
Like every act on this list, I was unaware of these guys prior to seeing them perform. They explained what they do beforehand, and the concept was intriguing; TFSP create folk rock masterpieces based around strangers' vintage slide collections which they obtain at garage and estate sales. These songs are performed by father Jason (keyboard, guitar, vocals) and daughter Rachel (drums, vocals) while mother Tina controls the slide projector. Their show is quite a treat.
2. Corn Mo (11+) - 5/22/03 in New York City
Jon "Corn Mo" Cunningham is a good friend. I met him when he first opened for TMBG back in '03. I know that people that read this blog need no convincing of this man's singular talent; whether he's strapped on his accordion or seated himself behind his keyboard, you know that you're going to be rocked. Hard. From the first time that I saw him jam a drum stick into his shoe laces, no solo act has been able to top Corn Mo. Add in his band, .357 Lover and you have a powerhouse that's second to none. I'm eagerly awaiting the full band's second full-length release, which is currently in the post production stage.
1. Lincoln (11+) - 9/9/97 in Newark, DE
I don't think that any opening act will ever be able to top the memories that I have of this phenomenal band. I have to admit that some of it has to do with how they treated me like a friend during their short tenure opening for TMBG. They opened a lot of the concerts in the year that I got serious about going to shows, attending nearly twice as many as I had in the preceding four years. Chris, Gonzalo, Dan and Danny talked to me with enthusiasm and let me hang out with them before some of the shows. Miller once even let me back in to watch Lincoln's sound check after having been kicked out by Flansburgh. I cannot express how great these guys were on stage. Chris Temple is an amazing song writer and I sometimes wonder how far the act could have gone if Dan & Danny hadn't joined TMBG. For me, It's hard to listen to Lincoln's self-titled album without thinking back to some of the best TMBG shows that were opened by the best openers in the history of the Giants.
Honorable Mentions:
John Linnell & the Statesmen (3+) - 2/4/00 in Boston, MA
Sapphire Bullets (2) - 1/27/01 in New York City
These two acts don't qualify to be ranked, for obvious reasons. What could be better then seeing TMBG/John open for TMBG? Nothing. 'Nuff said.
Todd Barry (2+) - 12/18/97 in New York City
Demetri Martin (1+) - 10/1/04 in New York City
It's an interesting coincidence that these two really great stand-up comedians that I've seen open for TMBG ended up forming a "band" themselves. I'd love to see Crazy Dogggz open for TMBG someday!
Thanks for reading.
5. You Were Spiraling (13+) - 8/14/96 in Sea Bright, NJ
ReplyDeleteEventually shortening their name to omit the first two words, this seminal band fronted by keyboard virtuoso Tom Brislin holds the record for most openings, and never fail to entertain. I can't believe that it's been nearly five years since I've seen them in action! I love these guys, and I hope that they get back together for more shows soon.
4. Brian Dewan (3+) - 4/28/93 in Red Bank, NJ
This gentleman opened my very first TMBG show, seventeen years ago. Where did the time go?? In '98 I traveled to the Edison Museum to watch Brian record some wax cylinders about a year after TMBG's sessions (which I missed) and ended up recording backup vocals onto an actual wax cylinder in a rendition of TMBG's "The Edison Museum" led by Nick Hill himself and with Dewan accompaniment.
3. Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players (3+) - 10/19/02 in Philadelphia, PA
Like every act on this list, I was unaware of these guys prior to seeing them perform. They explained what they do beforehand, and the concept was intriguing; TFSP create folk rock masterpieces based around strangers' vintage slide collections which they obtain at garage and estate sales. These songs are performed by father Jason (keyboard, guitar, vocals) and daughter Rachel (drums, vocals) while mother Tina controls the slide projector. Their show is quite a treat.
2. Corn Mo (11+) - 5/22/03 in New York City
Jon "Corn Mo" Cunningham is a good friend. I met him when he first opened for TMBG back in '03. I know that people that read this blog need no convincing of this man's singular talent; whether he's strapped on his accordion or seated himself behind his keyboard, you know that you're going to be rocked. Hard. From the first time that I saw him jam a drum stick into his shoe laces, no solo act has been able to top Corn Mo. Add in his band, .357 Lover and you have a powerhouse that's second to none. I'm eagerly awaiting the full band's second full-length release, which is currently in the post production stage.
1. Lincoln (11+) - 9/9/97 in Newark, DE
I don't think that any opening act will ever be able to top the memories that I have of this phenomenal band. I have to admit that some of it has to do with how they treated me like a friend during their short tenure opening for TMBG. They opened a lot of the concerts in the year that I got serious about going to shows, attending nearly twice as many as I had in the preceding four years. Chris, Gonzalo, Dan and Danny talked to me with enthusiasm and let me hang out with them before some of the shows. Miller once even let me back in to watch Lincoln's sound check after having been kicked out by Flansburgh. I cannot express how great these guys were on stage. Chris Temple is an amazing song writer and I sometimes wonder how far the act could have gone if Dan & Danny hadn't joined TMBG. For me, It's hard to listen to Lincoln's self-titled album without thinking back to some of the best TMBG shows that were opened by the best openers in the history of the Giants.
Honorable Mentions:
John Linnell & the Statesmen (3+) - 2/4/00 in Boston, MA
Sapphire Bullets (2) - 1/27/01 in New York City
These two acts don't qualify to be ranked, for obvious reasons. What could be better then seeing TMBG/John open for TMBG? Nothing. 'Nuff said.
Todd Barry (2+) - 12/18/97 in New York City
Demetri Martin (1+) - 10/1/04 in New York City
It's an interesting coincidence that these two really great stand-up comedians that I've seen open for TMBG ended up forming a "band" themselves. I'd love to see Crazy Dogggz open for TMBG someday!
Thanks for reading.